Take A Look At Our Work

Here are some of our projects that we take pride in. Take a look around and you'll definitely find something fascinating in them


Refine Pharmaceutical Prescription

Refine Pharma Perscription is an e-commerce functional website that offer online prescription creation for pharmacy and users can be managed with medical and non-medical roles.

Core Technologies:

  • Wordpress

  • Woo-Commerce

  • PHP

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Product Price Negotiation Plugin - VBargain

Smart bargain allows you as a store owner to set a few price options lower than the original price, and the customer will be able to bargain between those prices.

Core Technologies:

  • PHP

  • HTML5

  • Woo-Commerce

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Beilangen - Profl

Beilgen profil.de is an ecommerce platform dedicated to bulk printing of different type of pages using custom variations of more than 50 dynamic fields.

Core Technologies:

  • Wordpress

  • Woo-Commerce

  • PHP

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